Daily One Hot Intraday Tip in Equity to Get You Profit by 11 AM EveryDay.

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Trade Intraday in Future to Quadruple Your Earnings & Finish Before 11 AM Everyday.

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Daily One Option in Intraday is the Order of the Day to Earn Extra Income before 11 AM.

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Past Performance Intraday Tips : Jan 2009

Script Name
Recom Price
Share Tips ( Cash or Equity Intraday Market and BTST Results Profit-Loss/ 500 Shares)
1st January Buy JETAIR 204 199 210-214 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 5,000/-
1st January Buy EVERONN 235 229 246-255 BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 10,000/-
1st January Buy GTOFFSHORE 227 220 238-252 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 12,500/-
1st January Buy UNITECH 43 41 47-48 BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 2,500/-
2nd January Buy INDIAINFO 59 57.80 62-64 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 2,500/-
2nd January Buy RIIL 400 395 408-415 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 7,500/-
2nd January Buy GTOFFSHORE 250 243 262-270-278 Intraday + BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 14,000/-
2nd January Buy WALCHANNAG 123 121 128-130-133 BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 5,000/-
5th January Buy TWL 370 360 390 Intraday + BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 10,000/-
5th January Buy LT 852 842 865-875 Intraday Exit @ 862 Profit Rs. 5,000/-
5th January Buy ABAN 774 755 Exit @ 790-800 BTST Exit @ 790-800 Profit Rs. 13,000/-
5th January Buy APIL 280 276 288-292 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 2,000/-
5th January Buy YESBANK 88 85 92-95-10 BTST 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 2,000/-
6th January Buy JETAIR 206 198 214-218-224 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 4,000/-
6th January Buy CENTURYTEX 196 193 Exit @ 202-205 BTST Exit @ 202-205 Profit Rs. 4,500/-
6th January Buy ABAN 780 758 Exit @ 805-820 BTST Exit @ 805-820 Profit Rs. 20,000/-
7th January Sell SIEMENS 309 313 302-298 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 5,500/-
7th January Buy SUNPHARMA 1064 1056 1076-1085 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 4,000/-
7th January Sell HDFCBANK 1030 1040 1015-1005-996 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 17,000/-
9th January Buy BANKINDIA 284 280 290-296 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 2,000/-
9th January Sell BHARTIARTL 618 625 607-600-595 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 5,500/-
9th January Buy SUNPHARMA 1087 1075 1110-1115 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 14,000/-
9th January Buy BANKINDIA 282 279 287-288 Intraday 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 2,500/-
12th January Buy SUNPHARMA 1118 1106 1138-1145 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 13,500/-
12th January Sell LT 689 698 678-670 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 4,500/-
13th January Buy RALLIS 339 330 355-370-380 Intraday + BTST 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 7,500/-
13th January Buy TWL 295 280 315-330-340 Intraday + BTST 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 10,000/-
13th January Buy TISCO 196 193.50 202-205 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 1,250/-
13th January Sell ICICIBANK 425 429 418-412 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 2,000/-
13th January Buy ACC 510.50 506 516-524 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 2,250/-
14th January Buy AXISBANK 452 440 468-485 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 6,000/-
14th January Buy AXISBANK 440 No SL 468-485 BTST Exit @ 450-452 Profit Rs. 6,000/-
14th January Buy KOTAKBANK 338 335 348-355 BTST Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 1,500/-
15th January Buy BAJAJAUTO 441 435 448-452 Intraday 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 3,500/-
15th January Buy EDUCOMP 1925 1908 1950-1970 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 22,500/-
15th January Buy HCLTECH 111 110 115 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 500/-
15th January Buy M&M 317 313 323-325 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 2,000/-
15th January Sell DLF 201 205 196-192-189 Intraday Exit @ 199 Profit Rs. 1,000/-
15th January Buy WIPRO 238 235 ------ BTST Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 1,500/-
16th January Buy TCS 499 483 515-525-535 BTST 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 8,000/-
16th January Buy TWL 290 275 320-334-348 Intraday 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 15,000/-
16th January Buy EDUCOMP 2038 2021 2060-2080-2135 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 8,500/-
16th January Buy EDUCOMP 2045 2040 2080-2104-2140 Intraday + BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 29,500/-
19th January Buy RELIANCE 1210 1196 1230-1238 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 14,000/-
19th January Buy GTOFFSHORE 242 232 258-272-285 Intraday + BTST Exit @ 254 Profit Rs. 6,000/-
19th January Buy LT 734 726 744-754 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 4,500/-
19th January Buy AXISBANK 440 433 450-460 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 3,500/-
20th January Buy TWL 274 255 295-310-330 Intraday 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 10,500/-
20th January Buy MUNDRAPORT 368 355 385-400-410 Intraday Exit @ 382 Profit Rs. 7,000/-
20th January Buy BHEL 1401 1390 1415-1425 Intraday Exit @ 1413 Profit Rs. 6,000/-
21st January Buy ICRA 400 390 415-425-444 Intraday 1st & 2nd Target Achieved Profit Rs. 12,500/-
21st January Sell DIVISLAB 945 952 935-925 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 10,000/-
22nd January Sell HDFCBANK 898 907 886-882 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 8,000/-
22nd January Sell INFOSYSTCH 1214 1224 1200-1188 Intraday Exit @ 1203 Profit Rs. 5,500/-
23rd January Buy GTOFFSHORE 230 220 245-260 Intraday + BTST Target Achieved Profit Rs. 15,000/-
23rd January Buy JETAIR 162 156 170-175-180 Intraday 1st & 2nd Target Achieved Profit Rs. 6,500/-
23rd January Sell BHARTIARTL 610 615 602-659 Intraday Exit @ 603 Profit Rs. 3,500/-
23rd January Sell DIVISLAB 918 924 905-890 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 3,000/-
27th January Sell ICICIBANK 368 370 362-358 Intraday 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 3,000/-
27th January Buy GTOFFSHORE 227 220 238-250 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 11,500/-
27th January Buy RALLIS 380 370 396-412-420 BTST 1st & 2nd Target Achieved Profit Rs. 16,000/-
27th January Buy JETAIR 173 168 178-188-196 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 2,500/-
28th January Sell MARUTI 524 528 518-512 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 6,000/-
28th January Buy ABAN 460 445 483-505 Intraday + BTST 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 11,500/-
28th January Buy ABB 480 476 488-492 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 6,000/-
29th January Buy TWL 234 220 250-264-276 Intraday 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 8,000/-
29th January Buy EVERONN 200 192 212-218-224 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 4,000/-
29th January Sell SUNPHARMA 1123 1135 1110-1105 Intraday Stoploss Triggered Loss Rs. 6,000/-
29th January Buy SATYAMCOMP 50 46 56-62 BTST Exit @ 54 Profit Rs. 2,000/-
30th January Buy JETAIRWAYS 171 165 182-187-196 Intraday 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 5,500/-
30th January Buy BHEL 1300 1288 1316-1327-1335 Intraday 1st & 2nd Target Achieved Profit Rs. 13,500/-
30th January Buy OFSS 575 565 590-605-620 Intraday Target Achieved Profit Rs. 22,500/-
30th January Buy ABAN 480 465 502-520-550 Intraday + BTST 1st Target Achieved Profit Rs. 11,000/-
              Total (Profit/Loss) till 31st January Rs. 4,41,500/-

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